Thursday 9 February 2012

#040 GAD BA2 - P1: Contextual Studies - Job Roles Basics

For contextual studies, we have been given the task to research two job roles out of a list given to us. This list is as follows:
  • Game Designer 
  • Technical Artist 
  • Artist 
  • 3D Modeller 
  • 2D Texture Artist 
  • Concept Artist 
  • Level Editor 
  • GUI Designer 
  • Assistant Producer 
  • Game Tester 
I have chosen to explore and research the job roles of a 3D Modeller and a Level Editor. I've chosen these as I feel they are what I will most likely go into once I have graduated.

3D Modeller/Artist:
The name pretty much sums it up, a 3D Modeller known better as a 3D Artist is a person who creates three dimensional objects, characters, structures and scenery. The 3D Artist will generate a 3D object, from a piece of concept art, usually using one of the major software aides such as Autodesk Maya, 3D Studio Max or Lightwave.

They will work on the model from start to finish, completing a majority of tasks such as:
  • Modelling
  • Texturing
  • Lighting
  • Animating
  • Compositing

The profession itself is fairly unique due to its combination of artistic skills and technology, someone who is a great artist can't do it without the technological background while at the same time it doesn't matter how much technical ability you have if you have no artistic ability; So really a 3D Artist is a combination of both of them as opposed to meeting in the middle ground.

Level Designer:
A level editor design what can be considered what makes a game, the level. While creating the levels within the game they must keep in mind how it will effect the players experience while playing and how the map will create possibilities in the game such as camping/ambush spots, sniper nests etc as well as considering the events and actions in the game that will define the difficulty of challenges that the player will encounter, thus having a great effect on the game play itself.

Being a level editor is not a first time job role, you must have a wide understanding of how the map effects the game. The role would typically be broken in to from the game testing side, where testers gain experience from their previous experience in the relation of map and level design to the experience of game play. People who wish to go into level editing would of gained the skills through modifying pre-existing games such as Command & Conquer, which has a variety of fan based tools made for creating completely new maps and levels with the option to add objectives etc.

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