Thursday 8 March 2012

#049 GAD BA2 - P1: Contextual Studies Research

9th February
Once I had decided what subject I was going to write about for my essay, I set about contacting the appropriate people in the industry with a few questions in an interview style. I started off going for the big fish, like Jean-Philippe Agati, the managing director of content design from Blizzard Entertainment and Paul Gower, the senior content designer for Jagex. I sent several emails, through several different paths in the hope that at least one of them would make it through and be replied to. Unfortunately, after 2 weeks I had no replies.

22nd February
I set my sights a little lower and shot out some emails less well known people. I sent emails of a similar kind to Mat Annal, founder of Nitrome games (flash games), Kyle Champ, creator of Shellshocklive and founder of kChamp Games... I waited 2 weeks again, no reply.

6th March
I'm running out of time now to find a viable source for first hand research, so I now will use my secret card in hope of some response. Using a personal contact I have obtained the emails of 2 of the designers at a online browser based game company called GameForge. Once again, I sent out emails of a similar nature and waited... again, 3 weeks later... No reply.

I do not know what to do now other than use second hand research. I will finish off my essay without the quotations and information I would of gained from first hand research, but leave certain areas where, hopefully, if I receive a reply by the hand in date I can amened and add in any additional information.

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