Wednesday 14 March 2012

#051 GAD BA3 - P1: Companion Cube, Architectural Modeling and more!

A new term, a new unit! This unit includes digital modeling, material & rendering fundamentals and representation and space. So to start off, I will begin with digital modeling (as so far it is what we have mainly covered).

We will be using Autodesk's program Maya again, which I am slowly warming too, to expand and further our knowledge in digital modeling. Digital modeling is something that I've already got some experience in, however not within games which is a big difference. Unlike our previous project we've been asked specifically to use our blogs to show our progress of our projects but also to show our progress for our final pieces, in our last project we were not required to show our progress in blog form but I did anyway as the previous project had got me into the habit of blogging.

The first project involves researching and documenting the architectural style in a game of our choice, design a door or a window that would fit in with that particular style, and then create the design in 3D using Autodesk Maya. Straight away this is something that is more suited to my preference, having designed and modelled specific styles of windows and doors to integrate with a 3D model of a building while working for my fathers architectural business. While we are to design the model in 3D, the overall output/result will be to present 4 orthographic views; Front, Side, Top and Iso (or known as 3/4 view).

To be fair we are not being thrown into the deep end, not yet anyway. Over the next few weeks we will be having Maya tutorials with one of our tutors to re-create the "Companion Cube" from the popular game called Portal.

Overall I'm feeling pretty confident about this unit, which knowing my luck, will mean I will spectacularly fail it! But fingers crossed I will do well, as long as I remember to document every stage and communicate my ideas and thoughts clearly (OH GOD I'M SCREWED!).

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