Sunday 13 May 2012

#075 GAD BA3 - P2: Poly Clean-up

Having finished fairly early, and feeling guilty about seeing other people working so late at night, I decided to go through my entire model and clean it up. I set myself the challenge or removing ALL tris in my model so that I was only left with quads. After a lot of crashing, swearing and screaming... I managed it!

My model has 2335 faces, and 4670 tris. From this (as well as looking all over my model) confirms that I have no tris, only quads in my model: 2335 faces x amount of tris in a quad (2) = 4670.

I went through each object one by one, cleaning up any stray vertexes I found (only 1 or 2) as well as dividing up faces to create quads. It was not so difficult, just a bit of a brain teaser to see how to fit quads into different faces with varying edges. I know that we didn't have to be so meticulous about it, in fact we were told that a few tris here and there won't cause too many problems... But it is good practise.

... and with that. I am done with BA3 P1-2... or am I?

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