Wednesday 26 October 2011


The plastic we ordered for the control boxes arrived, so I booked in to the laser cutter today to cut out the net pieces. Although I had created a 3D version of the net to make sure that all the edges lined up and fitted in correctly I still wanted to double check that the pieces were correct first by laser cutting the nets out on paper.

From the paper net, I knew that the net was correct and proceeded on to cutting the plastic. The laser cutting only took about half an hour but proved to be much quicker than any other method and also gave a better finish on the plastic edges. 

Above is an image of all the components that will fit inside the box.

The most difficult part of wiring the boxes was that there was a very small lenience on where the components are positioned, about 0.5mm. Another problem was making sure the wires were aligned correctly to allow for the battery pack. Below is an image of the assemblement before fixing the components into the control box.

For the next part I had to call in a bit of help from Christina Sheehy as I was having trouble fitting in the more delicate parts into the control panel. With all the pieces fixed in to place I re-wired the components along with Christina's help to make sure that the battery pack fitted snugly in to place.

Now it was just the case of doing it another fire more times.

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