Wednesday 26 October 2011

#012 GAD BA1 P1: Board Game - Aligning The Stars

The board shape has been decided as well as the amount of players and the style of board. The next step is now to put all of it together to create an attractive, eye-catching board for players to play on. The only aspect left is how many spaces should there be on the board... With a maximum of 6 players there cannot be too many or the game will take too long to play. I think that it would be best if a player can potential wine a game in 10 turns, if that is the case then the board should have no more than 60 spaces on the board.

I started off with the general outline, symbolising the control boxes with green squares and the planets with red squares. Below is the result:

I posted the board layout on to the groups Facebook group for feedback and the others in my group liked the idea. With the approval from the other members in my group I began work on the detailed design. I began first with the board shape and the planets, as shown below:

I then added in the circular board spaces. I began just by making a simple hoop, then made a horizontal line 1 px across and duplicated it multiple times rotating it every time by 6 degrees (360 degrees divided by 60 spaces). I then merged the layers and erased the centre. I used a couple effects in the blending properties as well as feathering the inner and outer edge of the spaces, below is the result.

Last but not least, I needed to add in the background. I simply used the magic wand tool on the board base layer, switched to the background, reversed the selection and deleted the excess graphic. The result is shown below.

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