Monday 7 November 2011

#019 GAD BA1 P2: iPhone Game - Game Limitiations

Game Limitations

There will have to be a maximum height in the game that your dragon can climb to as well as some kind of repercussion if your dragon touches the floor. I was thinking of some kind of damage penalty when you touch the floor or try to land, which would reflect the speed your dragon is traveling at when touching the floor. Instead of having a solid ceiling on the maximum height, I have thought of another alternative. When a players dragon reaches a certain level the screen will start to shake (I will use the built in vibration for the handset) and ice starts to form around the screen, the higher you go the more violently it shakes and the more icy your screen gets. While the screen is shaking and ice forms on the screen the players dragon will be loosing health in crescendo fashion; the higher they fly above the set amount the quicker their health depletes, eventually killing the players dragon before they reach the solid game ceiling.

Assent & Descent:
The dragons ability to climb and descend will be limited to 40 degrees, which as a comparisonment is double the recommended angle of assent for a commercial aeroplane. The reason I have chosen to limit the assent and descent ties in with the mechanics for the speed of the game, which I will explain next.

When the dragon is flying parallel to the ground it will have a base speed of say 200 units (undefined measurement of speed, perhaps mph or kmph). When the dragon beings to climb the speed is reduced by 1 unit for every degree of angle. The angle of assent and descent will be limited to 40 degrees, so if the dragon is ascending at say, 25 degrees, then speed will be reduced to 175 units. It works the same for the descent speed, only in reverse. If the dragon is descending at say, 25 degrees, then the speed will be increase to 225 units.

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