Monday 20 February 2012

#044 GAD BA2 - P2: Mudbox Sculpting

Our second assignment for this unit is to sculpt a 3D head of a person of our choosing using Mudbox. I'm going to be using one of my house mates, Anton, as my reference as It makes it much easier if I need to take another photo as a reference while sculpting.

Left, Front and Right reference shots.
First I started with the ear, the part that I thought would be most difficult. As much as I tried, even with the reference images I took, I just couldn't seem to get the shape of the ear right or the internal structure although it does at least resemble an ear. Below is a screen capture of it.

I decided to take a rest from the ear and move on to another part of the face, the nose. This time it at resembles a nose and the nose of the model, just. I found that it was easier to build up on the face first and then sculpt into it, rather than adding it in bit by bit to achieve the final piece. The lips are nowhere near done (I still need to sculpt into it) and I want to flatten the bit below the nose leading to the mouth  Below is a screen capture of it.

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