Wednesday 29 February 2012

#045 GAD BA2 - P1: Animation Continued

As I said before, once I had done the basics on everything I would then return to amend and refine the completed work. So with my essay and sculpt nearing completion, I opened up Maya and had a go at refining my animation. Previously I had intended just to amend my animation by tweaking the graph editor, but looking back on attempt I was not happy with the animation so I decided to take another try at the animation cycles and tweak the graphs as I made them. So, here are the poses for my finalised walk cycle.

This time I followed suit with a lot of my classmates and made an exaggerated cartoonish style walk with lots of emphasis on the movement of the arms and feet. I will admit it, I didn't use the graph editor for EVERY part of the animation, I mainly focused on the legs and the arms but did not use it for the body and hand movement as there was a relatively low amount of movement. Below is the result.

I did pretty much the same with my run cycle. I exaggerated the movements a lot more and I couldn't resist doing a bit of animation on the face too! I used the graph editor a bit more on this animation than the walk cycle just to fine tune the steps and almost floppy movement of the feet. Here are the poses for my finalized run cycle.

and here is the final result of the run cycle.

For tonight I'm going to take a break with Maya and move on to Mudbox to do some last touches on my sculpt. I will post the jumping cycle when I have amended and tweaked it.

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