Monday 5 March 2012

#046 GAD BA2 - P1: Animation Continued

And now for what I found the most difficult, the jump. This is the one that really bugged me, positioning the legs and arms as well as the body and head to respond to the squash and stretch of the jump on take off and impact; even more annoying, the movement of the arms and legs while in the air. So, here are the poses from my jump animation.

While we were told to work at 30 FPS, we were not told how long the animation had to be, I took this as "Animation at 30fps, however long or short as you like". My jump animation is 2 seconds long, as opposed to the walk and run which are just 1 second long. The reason for this is because I wanted a 0.5 second transition on each side of the jump so that the animation fits seamlessly with my run animation.

I used the graph editor for pretty much all the leg movement to smooth it out, I also did a little on the arm and upper body movement too but not as much as the legs. I used the clamp tangents for a few bits and then adjusted it to my own liking. Below is the final result.

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