Thursday 10 May 2012

#070 GAD BA3 - P2: UV Mapping & Texturing Continued

Speaking to a few of my peers, I noticed that I had quiet a lot of UV Maps/Textures... In fact, I had a lot more than the norm. As it stood, I had 14 UV Maps/Textures, which was way too much considering we are meant to be producing an efficient model.

So, I got back in to Maya and made some changes. I began to combine the UV's of multiple objects, creating a much tighter, compact UV Map. I then took these UV Maps into Photoshop and began re-making the textures to map multiple objects at the same time. Below is what I have done:

All front door pieces included apart from the geared bolt pieces, which are seperate.

The main door piece: I kept this separate as it is one of the larger objects and I wanted the metal detail to be nice and clear. 

The tunnel piece: Now includes the electricity box. I still kept it fairly large for the same reasons as the main door piece, quality.

All the props: Sewage Pipe, Sewage Pipe Brackets, Light Fittings, Wires, Wire Brackets, Air Vent.

The Light: I've kept this separate from the other pieces as I want to add a glow to the object to simulate lit glass.

The Geared Bolts: I've kept these septate as they will be animated when the door unlocks itself.

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