With the map, levels, experience points, upgrades, enemy units and enemy structures explained, I now will explain the last remaining aspect in this post; That being the flight and the dragons weapons (including cooldown and ammunition). So to begin, I will start with explaining the flight mechanics.
The flight speed will be a constant at a parallel level to the ground, which fluctuation depending on the assent or descent of the dragons flight. I mentioned a while ago about the speed system, but I will bring it up again as documentation.
"When the dragon is flying parallel to the ground it will have a base speed of say 200 units (undefined measurement of speed, perhaps mph or kmph). When the dragon beings to climb the speed is reduced by 1 unit for every degree of angle. The angle of assent and descent will be limited to 40 degrees, so if the dragon is ascending at say, 25 degrees, then speed will be reduced to 175 units. It works the same for the descent speed, only in reverse. If the dragon is descending at say, 25 degrees, then the speed will be increase to 225 units."
The above is exactly how the speed system will function, the speed being defined by the rate of assent or descent, but still capped at a certain speed amount.
Now, moving on to the flight characteristics. I spent a bit playing Glyder 2 today to decided on how I wanted my game to function and I noticed a few things in Glyder 2 that I want to improve on or completely remove. To begin, when climbing, descending or making sharp turns on Glyder 2, your avatar actually disappears beyond the edge of the screen and the view actually shifts away from where you are flying. For me and the few people that had play the game that I spoke to this proved to be quiet an annoyance, it is defiantly something I want to improve on. My game will essentially have its camera angle as if it was strapped on the back of the dragon slightly above and behind pointing directly at where the crosshair is, this allows for a full view of your dragon as well as a better view of the scenery around you (It even allows you to view what has just passed under you which will be handy when flying over settlements at an even level); When the player directs the dragon the camera shifts with it, always focused at where the dragon is flying to (where the crosshair is).
Upgrading the speed of your dragon is pretty similar to upgrade your weapon power, with each upgrade your parallel speed gets increase which causes a knock on effect to your speed in descent and assent, they are as follows:
Level 0: Minimum Speed 140, Medium Speed 180, Maximum Speed 220
Level 1: Minimum Speed 160, Medium Speed 200, Maximum Speed 240
Level 2: Minimum Speed 180, Medium Speed 220, Maximum Speed 260
Level 3: Minimum Speed 200, Medium Speed, 240, Maximum Speed 280
Level 4: Minimum Speed 220, Medium Speed 260, Maximum Speed 300
Level 5: Minimum Speed 240, Medium speed 280, Maximum Speed 320.
Note: Minimum Speed is the maximum speed at the maximum rate of ascent, Medium Speed is the maximum speed at even flight (0 degrees) and Maximum Speed is the Maximum speed at the maximum rate of descent.
Next up, cornering speed/agility. It took me a while to think of how I was going to do this, but after reading a few of my earlier posts I had an idea. Similar to the system of the speed in assent or descent, the cornering speed will be calculated by degrees. For example, at the base level (Level 0), the dragon will be able to turn a maximum of 1 degree per unit (the unit in this case is time, 50th of a second). This way at the base level it will take the dragon 1.8 seconds to turn a full 90 degrees. Additionally, this system also create a nice smooth turning flight path. The upgrades information is as follows:
Level 0: 1 degree per unit.
Level 1: 1.2 degrees per unit.
Level 2: 1.4 degrees per unit.
Level 3: 1.6 degrees per unit.
Level 4: 1.8 degrees per unit.
Level 5: 2 degrees per unit.
Note: The cornering speed/agility does not only count for left and right, it also counts for up and down.
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