Wednesday 2 May 2012

#065 GAD BA3 - P1: Maya - Simplifying

After a tutorial in UV Mapping, I've realised that I need to make a few changes to my model to make it more efficient. For example, removing parts that won't be seen (such as the bolt holders). I'm also going to simplify the bolt mechanism into a solid block and then use bump mapping to create the recesses where the gears would fit in to.
Simplified Bolt Holder.

Simplified Bolt Mechanism.
I didn't actually have much to remove, seeing as I had made a fairly clean model to begin with. Apart from the two examples above I also lowered the subdivision axis on my cylinders from 94 (over the top, I know) down to 48, 24 and 12 (Some pieces were larger, so had to have a higher subdivision to maintain a smooth(ish) circle while some parts were much smaller and could get away with being a lower subdivision).

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